Guided tours to Romanesque
In the Highlands of Guadalajara, specifically in Pela System Mountains, a treasure is hidden, the rural Romanesque, small villages with great Romanesque churches of XII-XIII century with certain peculiarities as Moorish decorations on their bows.
Some of them are in a line tour that connect each little village with other. Starting in Villacadima with the Church of Sain Peter to continuos to one of the points with the purest air of the world in 2016, the third, Campisábalos, to visit the church of Saint Bartholomew and the chappel of San Galindo knight to finish in Albendiego and admiring one temple that some historicians thinks that the first owner were the Templars Order.
After lunch we can visit Atienza, the historical medieval city, maybe we can not spend all time that it is necesary to visit everything, but the most importants monuments such as the Castle, the Museum-Church of the Trinity and the Wheat Square with the Gate of "Arrebatacapas" we will do
We can do a tour by other little villages with romanesque such as Jodra del Pinar, Carabias or Saúca, all of them around Sigüenza
Duration: the visit lasts approximately 3 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon